Tuesday 10 November 2009

Softball weekend

So, I played in a softball tournament all weekend for the QUB Titans. It was the first time I've played organized softball in probably like 2 years.

I was really anxious going in to the thing for a bunch of reasons: I am easily frustrated, over-competitive, out of shape and easily intimidated. Sean and I had to walk all the way to the fields, which is about 2.5 miles away from my house, on Sat morning. My lovely upstairs housemates kept me up until 5:30am or so, giving me about 3 hours of sleep to go on. I was whining and complaining out of sheer nervousness the whole way. Fortunately, it all faded away as soon as I saw the setup. It was hilariously casual, smoking on the sidelines, all grass fields, crazy get-ups.

We played 6 games on Saturday, which completely wore me out. The weather was typically rainy and shitty and pretty cold, which didn't help the whole thing. Went home to shower and eat dinner and then meet up with the team for a few drinks. Ended up at QFT for a showing of 'The Big Lebowski" which was great because I probably lacked the strength to do anything else.

Woke up bright and early on Sunday for a repeat performance. Got utterly killed in the first game but it didn't count towards our overall total, which was a relief. We ended up qualifying for the B bracket championship game, which was pretty awesome. Until we lost. We were kicking ass until the 6th inning when I think everyone just collapsed.

For a team that had never played legit games before and had members just learning the rules as we went along, it was great fun and we did really well. I had a great time and am going to start playing with the team regularly. However, I am sore as hell and can hardly move. Ugh.

On another note, going to be on Queen's radio tomorrow with Adar and Andrew as a fill-in. Super excited.

Friday 6 November 2009

been a long time

So, I totally abandoned this blog for a while. Not even sure who reads it but its good even if it just helps me remember what I did.
(As an aside its not quite 3 and the sun is setting. Depressing)

With a few variations a typical week looks something like this:

Monday:I'd like to say homework but, who're we kidding. Mostly hanging with Sean
Tuesday: ICC reading group and then The Parlour and then cheap movies at the moviehouse
Wednesday:Class, more reading and then Orange 2-1 movie night
Thursday: Class, definitely a nap and then pub quiz at The Parlour. Usually followed by what Adar calls the 'adult bars'
Friday: Mostly nothing. Then going out. Somewhere.
Saturday: try to go to the market, usually fail.
Sunday: cook dinner and watch movie

Wow, well, that was rushed because Sean is ready to go exploring. Even as such, pretty ridiculous how much free time I have. Reading week is this week, which means 12 or so days off in a row. Yikes. Maybe a trip to London in the works. Also, I am playing in a softball tourney this weekend, should be interesting. Other than that, all is well. Boring.


Wednesday 21 October 2009

In absentia

I haven't blogged in awhile. No particular reason. I'm not even sure anyone reads this, I like to think maybe my mom, but I know that's not true.

I had the flu for a few days, couldn't even get out of bed. It sucked. I almost killed people when they decided to have a party in the common room last Thursday. I'm better but still have a stupid cough and stuffy nose. I hate being sick.

We made meatloaf, mac n cheese and mashed potatoes for Sunday dinner. It was delightfully midwestern according to Margaret. I was just glad to be able to eat solid food. Perhaps my flu was what kept people away but for whatever reason, it was just Sean and I eating at first. We had a smallish gathering for the movie (Romeo and Juliet), which was also nice. I guess I'm just feeling a bit anti-social in my recovery.

For some reason Sean and I are on a movie rampage. We went to see The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus at QFT on Monday. I liked the movie, sort of, and was glad to see it nonetheless. I thought Heath Ledger was really good and liked how they integrated the other actors into their vignettes. Went to Laverys for the first time afterwards and had a really good time.

Tuesday was Inglorious Basterds at Movie House. Loved it. Thought it was hilarious that we were the only two laughing. I was reminded of how much Michael and I wanted to see it from the very first preview and subequently missed him.

Tonight is going to be Up at Movie House as well. I'm glad I'm finally catching up on all the movies I really wanted to see but didn't for whatever reason. Can't wait to see it.

For some reason I'm just not as worked up about school this week. Maybe because I still feel shitty or maybe just because the reading load seems lighter. I am still really enjoying it though and I feel like I am understanding things a lot better. I had to do a presentation on Tuesday of one of the readings, it went reasonably well. I'm glad to be done with it.

I suppose I should get back to reading before the movie tonight. I'm super excited to kidnap Sean for our adventure this weekend!

More later,

Friday 9 October 2009

rainy day

Its the first really rainy day since I've been here. The first of many, I am assured. I woke up this morning to a phone call alerting me to the fact I was missing a meeting I didn't know I had. Frantically emailing and showering ensued. Rescheduled the meeting for 5 and then continued to lay around until then.

Walked to the ICC for the first time, met with Jesse and got more of the general gist of what's going on there. I am really lucky to be in this group of people and excited to get more involved.

So, I walked back home in the rain and decided I was absolutely not capable of getting anything done today. Wasted some time on the internet (official status: master of the internet) and ate some tesco curry. I've been browsing http://www.awkwardfamilyphotos.com for a while now and am contemplating going out tonight.

By contemplating, I mean thinking about getting ready for the big night out Kristian has planned. Not sure if this is going to top Kremlin last Friday but we can sure try.

Last night was some pretty good craic, met Sean at Scholars and had good curry at Moghul and drinks at various establishments in my neighborhood with all the usual suspects.

Hopefully I will make it up to St. George's market tomorrow and return some stuff from my Tuesday night Top Shop extravaganza. If its not raining, of course. If it is raining I am going to force myself to get ahead in the readings for this upcoming week.

Ok, yeah, that was boring. I am going to listen to more Hall and Oates now.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

I am really good at pocrastination....really good.

I started an entry yesterday but then Rachael came by and we headed downtown for the student shopping thing at Victoria Square. It was fun, free vodka redbull and giftbags at urban outfitters and then after a huge queue at topshop, 20% and shitty giftbags.

I got some basic stuff, jeans, a t-shirt, and a tanktop that I like. I have to return the sparkly (yes, sparkly) dress I got because it doesn't fit and I couldn't have been bothered to try it on first.

We were supposed to go back tonight to return some things and take advantage of the 20% off again tonight but I think she is ill. Not a big deal because they give 10% off for students all the time. Also, probably good because I have to finish my readings for class tomorrow. Yuck.

On the more positive side of procrastination my room is tidy, all my dishes are done and I have a very thorough 'to-do' list in preparation of my 5 day weekend commencing at 1pm tomorrow.

The negative side is that I am bored and absolutely do not want to these readings. I have a giant load of stuff to print tomorrow for next week with the added bonus of Tuesday seminars with the ICC. Slightly intimidating to say the least.

Completely unrelated, last night was really fun. We did quiz night at the Bot again, with very similar results. Adar and I reasoned that this is because most of us have the same body of knowledge, most of which is unrelated to quiz material. Whatever, its fun and its free.

Ended up trying a new chip place afterwards (Sahara) which is NOT as good as Soprano. Made a huge deal of this to Adar who got mildly angry. Went home only to hear Rachael, Allie and Kristian yelling and laughing outside my window.

Woke up today, spent some time reading at Clements and then headed to class. I really am enjoying Paulo's class so far. I feel a lot better about things after lecture today. I am going to have to try really hard to be good at this though. haha. I can do it.

I suppose that's all that needs to be said that's remotely interesting. I should get back to work seeing as I am in the height of my 2 day school week.


Sunday 4 October 2009

October, really?

How is it October? This year has gone by at a ridiculous speed. Its so weird to think about what was going on in January and February. I mean, I guess I'm doing most of the same stuff, just in a dramatically different location and different people.

For the most part that's a good thing. Lately I've been thinking about how in light of all that's changed, there is a lot about me I wish was different. I still just want to spend rainy days in bed and struggle to work up enthusiasm for the gym. I still feel frustrated when I am not in control of my emotions and then react in wholly inappropriate ways.

I don't think I expected these things to change when I came here, at least when I was really honest with myself. Maybe its just a sign that my life is continuing here, moving forward and happening instead of just being in some sort of stasis. Could be good.

Going to have to deal with that rainy day problem a lot more here though....

So, on a lighter note its Sunday and that means dinner and movie night. This week its Mexican (Mom's enchilada recipe) and Rocky Horror. A good combination, I think.

I feel like I'm being a responsible student and keeping up on my readings. I have a to-do list with less exciting things on it that I am already putting off. I need to be very productive tomorrow.

I feel like, as always, I need to focus more on the positive. I have great friends, an over-active social life, back in school in a great city. I'll save the anecdotes for a happier post. There are plenty.


Thursday 1 October 2009

Why I do not drink coffee in the morning

There are a few reasons, actually.

For one, I am rarely awake in what most would call 'the morning'
Secondly, I do not make a habit of eating breakfast
Finally, when I do drink coffee in the morning, with no breakfast, I GET A REALLY BAD HEADACHE.

I am in a really stupid stasis at the moment where I am still tired because caffeine doesn't really affect me much and yet I am awake because my head is killing me. I will simply stare at my computer screen, unfunctioning, for a few hours until I decide to either take a nap or go to the gym.

So, next Thursday before Evolution and Human Behavior I will simply keep to water or perhaps a diet coke, but no coffee for me, thanks...

On a lighter note, I'm done with classes for the week by 1 on Thursday. To be more specific I'm done with classes until Wednesday at 3. Haha.